GSoC 2017 Diaries with Sugar Labs - 1

Hello everyone...I will be using Dinukaa's Blog as a platform to share my weekly progress reports on GSoC 2017 with Sugar Labs throughout the project process.

It is not easy to get selected for Google Summer of Code(GSoC), I would say you should be smart and lucky at the same time!

I planned to apply for GSoC since second-year at university and finally, in the final year, I was able to succeed from my first attempt for GSoC with Sugar Labs. You can find about Sugar Labs from here.
I was really happy when I saw my name under accepted students and for me it was a significant moment to share on social media too.

You can find my project proposal from here.

After the proposal submission and before the announcement of selected students, I kept my engagement with mentors and project. I conducted a user studies survey on Music Blocks and myself and mentors were able to get a rough idea on how newbies see Music Blocks.

Now community bonding period is happening!  Walter Bender, who is the contact point from Sugar Labs for GSoC 2017 ( Executive Director at Sugar Labs) plays a great role in making community bonding a success. It was great working with my mentor Devin Ulibarri and looking forward to working with Cristina Del Puerto and Hrishi Patel when the project starts.

Update for the past week from 8-05-2017 to 15-05-2017 is as follows:
  • Discussions with mentors (Devin & Walter) on the summary of responses to my user studies survey.
  • Participated in first IRC meeting with GSoC 17 mentors and mentees with Sugar Labs. (To be honest, it was my first IRC meeting experience)
  • Went through the resources, ideas given by Devin to understand Music and Music Blocks to present the user manual in a meaningful way. 
  • Drafted, shared, made changes as per mentor suggestions to a spreadsheet which covers the overall structure of user manual content. 
  • Participated in the community IRC meeting. 
Problems/ Clarification points: No 

Plan for next two weeks is as follows:
  • Finalizing the overall structure of user manual content with the support of Walter and Devin.
  • Finalizing meeting times twice a week with mentors and other two students(Tabs16, Prachiagrawal269) who are working on Music Blocks related projects.
  • Create mock prototypes for the content structure and share them with mentors for suggestions. 
  • Finalizing one theme among prototypes as the user manual website. 
I will get back to you all with the second episode of my GSoC diary when coding starts!

P.S. - You can contribute to Music Blocks source code from here.


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