WTM Mapping the World by Women Techmakers Sri Lanka

Women Techmakers Sri Lanka organized ‘WTM Mapping the World’ on 10th July 2016 from 9.00 am - 1.00 pm for 4 hours with 56 women participants at 99X Technology. This was the third event I involved in organizing as a Women Techmakers lead with other co-leads.

The registrations for the event started at 8.30 AM and event was started at 9.00 AM by welcoming the audience and giving a brief introduction on event agenda.

‘Google Mapmaker Community Sri Lanka’ conducted a hands-on mapmaker training session for two hours and there were a considerable amount of contributions to mapmaking when the mapmaking session ended.

Some swags were distributed among participants according to the number of contributions they made to mapmaking throughout the session.

The  Chief Operating Officer of 99X Technology (Ms.Shehani Senevirathne) did a one-hour session on ‘Women in Information Technology’ and also almost all the girls were inspired by the speech and there were many questions for the speaker after her session.

The session was concluded with vote of thanks and the group photo.


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