Data Types in Java

Today let's see what the data types in Java are. Generally, we consider two types of data types: Primitive Data Types and Reference Data Types.

Since Java is a statically-typed language, variables must be declared before use. Declaring means you have to give the data type and name of the variable.

ex: int num ;

Initializing the variable...

Since the data type of the above variable is int ,the value it contains should be an int.
ex: int num = 10 ;

There are 8 Primitive Data Types in Java.

  1. byte
  2. short
  3. int
  4. long
  5. float
  6. double
  7. boolean
  8. char
In addition to these primitive data types Java also supports String type which contains character strings. Strings are represented within double quotation marks ( " " ).
ex: String s = "string example";

When we declare a String, then an object will be created for it automatically in String Constant Pool of Heap. Once created the value of a String object will not be changed. (immutable)

String s1 = "ABC";
String s2 = "xyz";
s1 = s1 + "DE";


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