GSoC 2017 Diaries with Sugar Labs - 3

Hello everyone... I am in the mid of content creating for the Music Blocks user manual. I was unable to complete the work up to my planned level to due to university exams and funeral of a close relation. You can find the web pages from here and thanks go to my mentor Devin Ulibarri.  

For the past 3 weeks my updates are as follows:

  • Created a Google Drive shared folder with mentors to share the content.
  • Finalized the representation of Getting Started section after discussing with mentors.
  • Drafted the Quick Start page for two contexts.
  • Drafted the Introduction content.
  • Spent some time playing with some tools to create GIFs and Lilypond software to create solfège
  • Added content for Palette Tool Bar to the source code - Pen, Boolean. 
  • Added content for Auxiliary Tool Bar to the source code.
  • Added content for Introduction to the source code. 
You can find a GIF I created to add for Quick Start from here

For the next two weeks also I will be working on the content creation and I will be back with the 4th episode of my GSoC diaries once I am done with the content of the user manual. 


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