
Showing posts from December, 2016

Apriori and FP-Growth Algorithms

Hello everyone… I am planning to write an article series on Data Mining and its Concepts and today I will explain you in detail to solve a common problem type related to Apriori and FP-Growth algorithms. First, let's get a problem. Question: A grocery store chain keeps a record of weekly transactions where each transaction represents the items bought during one cash register transaction. The executives of the chain receive a summarized report of the transactions indicating what types of items have sold at what quantity. In addition, they periodically request information about what items are commonly purchased together. In addition, they periodically request information about what items are commonly purchased together. In this case, there are five transactions and five items, as shown in Table 1. Suppose that the minimum support and confidence are S=30% and 50%, respectively. Define the notions of support and confidence. Calculate the Support for all the subsets g...